Course curriculum

    1. About the Career Planning Course

    2. Pre-Course Assessment

    1. A Ugandan Graduate's Job Hunt: A Story of Perseverance and Disappointment

    2. Introducing Module 1

    3. Lesson 1: Understanding what a career is?

    4. Stage 2: Explore Careers

    5. Ikigai explainer

    6. Common career misconceptions

    7. Stage 3: Decision making

    8. Making wise career decisions

    9. Stage 4 & 5: Goal Setting & Take Action

    10. Conclusion: Goal setting

    11. Lesson 1 Assignment

    12. Lesson 1 quiz

    13. Lesson 2: Important skills in the workplace

    14. Important hard skills in the workplace

    15. Important soft skills in the work place

    16. Lesson 2 quiz

    1. Introducing Module 2

    2. Lesson 1: Putting your best foot forward through your CV

    3. Common CV mistakes you should avoid

    4. Lesson 1 quiz

    5. Lesson 1 assignment

    6. Lesson 2: Putting your best foot forward through your Cover letter (with or without experience)

    7. Cover letter do's and don'ts

    8. Cover letters, the conclusion

    9. Lesson 2 assignment

    10. Lesson 2 quiz

    1. Introducing Module 3

    2. Preparing for a job interview- All you need to know

    3. Interview assessment traits and methods

    4. Before an interview- What do you need to do to ace the interview

    5. Common interview questions

    6. Lesson 2: What to do during and after an interview

    7. Lesson 3: Leveraging Social-Media for better placement opportunities

    8. Using Social Media to create a Virtual Resume/CV

    9. Leveraging LinkedIn as a platform for securing a job opportunity

    10. Lesson 3 quiz

    1. Introducing Module 4

    2. How to sustain yourself in employment?

    3. Passive communication

    4. Assertiveness, how one can become more assertive

    5. Understanding self confidence

    6. Working with critical people in a work place

    7. Entry-level salary negotiation & managing rejection

    8. Module 4 quiz

    1. Post Course Assessment

    2. Start crafting

    3. Resources and references

About this course

  • Free
  • 49 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Need a competitive edge!

Learn how to showcase your strengths, and confidently navigate the competitive job landscape.